Dithiocarbamates - Racun kulat

Kod MOA - FRAC M 03

Komoditi Kadar Maksimum Residu (MRLs) di dalam makanan (mg/kg) Tempoh Dilarang Mengutip Hasil (TDMH) (hari) Catatan
Jadual Keenam Belas CODEX
Bayam 10 14
Beras Kilang 0.5 14
Cili 1 14
Daun Bawang 10 14
Kacang Panjang 2 14
Kubis 5 14
Kubis Bunga 5 14
Labu Manis 0.2 14
Lada (Hitam,Putih) 3 14
Lik 0.5 14
Mangga 2 14
Melons 0.5 14
Pisang 2 14
Saderi 5 14
Salad 10 14
Sawi 10 14
Tembikai 1 14
Timun 2 14
Tomato 2 14
Ubi Kentang 0.2 14
Bawang Besar 0.5 14
Buah-Buahan Sitrus 10 14
Betik 5 7
Kacang Tanah 0.1 14

0-0.03 mg/kg bw Group ADI (or in any combination) for ethylene-bis-dithiocarbamates (EBDCs: mancozeb, maneb, metiram and zineb) (1993)

Definasi Residu

For compliance with MRLs in plant and animal commodities: Total dithiocarbamates, determined as CS2, evolved during acid digestion and expressed as mg CS2/kg. For the estimation of dietary intake in plant and animal commodities: mancozeb plus ethylenethiourea (ETU). Dithiocarbamate residues are not fat soluble.