Glufosinate ammonium - Racun rumpai

Kod MOA - HRAC 10

Komoditi Kadar Maksimum Residu (MRLs) di dalam makanan (mg/kg) Tempoh Dilarang Mengutip Hasil (TDMH) (hari) Catatan
Jadual Keenam Belas CODEX
Bawang Besar 0.05 14
Belimbing 0.1 14
Beras Kilang 0.1 -
Betik 0.1 14
Biji Gajus 0.1 14
Biji Koko 0.5 14
Biji Kopi 0.1 14
Buah-Buahan Sitrus 0.05 14
Durian 0.1 14
Jagung 0.1 70
Jambu Batu 0.1 14
Kubis 0.1 14
Lada (Hitam,Putih) 0.1 14
Mangga 0.1 14
Minyak Kelapa Sawit 0.5 -
Nangka 0.1 14
Pisang 0.2 14
Salad 0.4 14
Tembikai 0.1 -
Terung 0.1 -
Tomato 0.1 -
Teh 0.2 7
Kelapa / Minyak Kelapa 0.5 14
Lobak Merah 0.05 14

0-0.01 mg/kg bw -2012

Definasi Residu

For compliance with MRL and for estimation of dietary intake for animal and plant commodities: Sum of glufosinate, 3-[hydroxy(methyl)phosphinoyl]propionic acid and N-acetyl-glufosinate, calculated as glufosinate (free acid). The residue is not fat soluble.