Metalaxyl - Fungicide

Kod MOA - FRAC 4

Commodity Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) in Food (mg/kg) Preharvest Interval (PHI) (days) Note
Sixteenth Schedule CODEX
Onion (bulb) 0.05 -
Amaranth 0.5 -
Cauliflower 0.5 -
Durian 0.2 21
Groundnuts 0.1 -
Cabbage 0.5 -
Lettuce 0.5 -
Mustards 0.5 -
Potato 0.05 -

0–0.08 mg/kg bw Applies to metalaxyl and metalaxyl-M (alone or in combination) (2021)

Residue Definition

Residue definition for metalaxyl and metalaxyl-M for compliance with the MRL for plant commodities: Metalaxyl (sum of enantiomers). Residue definition for metalaxyl and metalaxyl-M for dietary risk assessment in plant commodities: Metalaxyl (sum of enantiomers) and N-(2-hydroxymethyl-6-methylphenyl)-N-(methoxyacetyl)alanine methyl ester (M8; free and conjugated; sum of enantiomers), expressed as metalaxyl. The residue is not fat-soluble.