Fosetyl aluminium - Racun kulat

Kod MOA - FRAC 3

Komoditi Kadar Maksimum Residu (MRLs) di dalam makanan (mg/kg) Tempoh Dilarang Mengutip Hasil (TDMH) (hari) Catatan
Jadual Keenam Belas CODEX
Biji Koko 1 14
Buah-Buahan Sitrus 5 30
Durian 1 30
Tembikai 10 14
Tembikai Susu 10 14
Timun 10 14
Tomato 3 14
Nanas 20 90 Waiting for gazette

0-1 mg/kg bw (The ADI applied directly to Fosetyl-AI and to Phosphonic acid).

Definasi Residu

For compliance with the MRL and for estimation of dietary exposure for plant commodities: Sum of fosetyl, phosphonic acid and their salts, expressed as phosphonic acid. The residue is not fat soluble.